Corporate Programs

Corporate Programs
Get the convenience of Holistic Nutrition and Weight Loss Counseling at work.
Convenient, affordable and educational wellness programs!
Create a wellness partnership with your staff and make one of your best strategic decisions today! The Healthy Options Healthy Eating & Weight Loss Plan® – offers on-site or remotely nutrition and weight loss counseling for employees.
Holistic Nutrition and Weight Loss Counselling
Private Weigh-ins
8 or 10 Week Series (Groups of 10 or more)
Weekly Nutrition Workshops
Informative Handouts
Body Fat Analysis
Seminars & Workshops
Nutrition Seminars
Stress Management Seminars
Clinic Programs
Benefits of a Workplace Program
Some of the benefits of introducing a workplace program include:
Healthy eating and exercise directly affect the health of individuals.
Healthy individuals make up a healthy workforce.
Reduced risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and type 11 diabetes. Exercise and a low fat diet increases “good cholesterol” (HDL) and decreases “bad cholesterol” (LDL).
Fewer illnesses and quicker recoveries: proper nutrition enhances the immune system and speeds the healing process.
Better mood/anti-depression: Physical activity increases the body’s supply of the hormone norepinephrine, which helps brighten your mood.
Less pain and tension: Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, the “feel- good” hormones that relax muscles, relieve pain and reduce stress.
Reduced absenteeism: Healthier employees historically take fewer sick days, and are usually more productive.
Reduced Insurance Costs: Healthier employees usually fill fewer prescriptions, contributing to lower health care costs.
Keynote or Lunch and Learn Seminars
Nutrition Seminars
1. Gluten-Free Fundamentals
- What is Gluten? Where is it found?
- Who should avoid gluten?
- Identify gluten-free grains/foods.
- Explore the effects of Gluten on the body.
- Gluten-free cooking/eating strategies.
2. Food & Mood
- Explore how food choices affect your MOOD
- A closer look at emotional eating
- Understand the impact of foods on the Highs & Lows of Blood Sugar and energy levels
- Understand that balanced nutrition is the cornerstone of good health and vitality
3. Managing Blood Pressure & Cholesterol with Balanced Nutrition
- What is High Blood Pressure; how does it affect the body?
- What is High Cholesterol & how does it affect us?
- Identify the risk factors
- Risk factors that I can change
- Risk factors that I cannot change
- Identify lifestyle changes that affect Blood Pressure & Cholesterol.
- Explore the link between diet and blood pressure & cholesterol management.
4. Eating Well through Stressful Times
- What is stress; how does it affect you?
- Identify the body’s physiological response to stress.
- Look at how healthy eating/balanced nutrition impacts stress management.
- Explore & identify some common foods that will improve your ability to manage stress.
5. Healthy Holiday Eating - Keep those Holiday Pounds at Bay…
- Identify the various factors that contribute to overeating during the Holidays.
- Learn how to lighten-up during the Season – – know the high-calorie foods and beverages to avoid.
- Eat mindfully while socializing.
- Incorporate physical activity by taking the ‘unconscious’ steps to fitness.
6. The Six Keys to Healthy Eating& Weight Loss
- Explore how the 4 Food Groups from Canada’s Food Guide & the Healthy Options Program translate into the key nutrients needed for optimum health & a healthy rate of weight loss.
- Identify the sources and functions of carbohydrate, protein & fat, and appropriate portions sizes needed daily.
- Learn how much you need to eat to lose weight!
- Learn simple menu planning techniques to structure your food intake throughout the day – in order to avoid food cravings and boost energy levels.
7. Healthy Living
- Define health
- Identify the components of healthy living:
- Healthy Diet,
- Physical Activity,
- Healthy Mind/Stress Management) – Mind, Body, Spirit
- Removing harmful agents/toxins
- Explore how to maintain a healthy body
- Examine the facets of good mental health & spiritual well-being
8. Eating Well on the Run-“Food Court/Fast Food/Brown Bag Savvy”
- Learn the components of balanced nutrition – your nutritional needs.
- Understand the impact of fast food choices.
- Explore strategies for choosing healthy selections – Preparation method; Fat content; Nutrients; Carbohydrate content – Fiber (vegetables, fruit) Protein content.
- Identify some healthier fast food/food court selections.
- Planning healthy brown bag lunches.
9. “Eating Well to Boost your Immune System”
- What is the Immune System? Is it functioning optimally?
- Identify the 3 levels of the body’s defense system & the factors that affect them.
- Explore the link between a well-balanced and varied diet and immunity.
- Specific nutrients that play key roles in boosting immunity
- Identify the “Power Foods” to include regularly
- Look at some lifestyle factors that support the immune system.
10. Diabetes – Prevention & Treatment
- What is diabetes?
- The Etiology – explore the causes of diabetes
- Explore diabetes symptomatology
- Managing diabetes – The Glycemic Index
- Explore simple lifestyle changes needed to successfully manage blood glucose levels
11. Cleansing & Detoxification – Cleaning up Internal Pollution
- What are toxins and where are they found?
- How does toxicity affect you? What are the signs and symptoms of toxicity?
- Identify the body’s natural detoxification systems
- Explore the tools of detoxification – restoring organ systems to good health
- Power foods, Supplements, Water, Good Dietary Practices
12. Work/Life Balance - “The Ultimate Balancing Act”
Stress! Friend or Foe. Spend 90 minutes exploring Work/Life Balance. In this entertaining and inter-active seminar/workshop you will:
- Learn the link between your values, behaviour and stress.
- Explore Errors in Thinking – the association between core assumptions and social expectations.
- A closer look at individual “self-stressors” – real or perceived.
- Identify Self-Nurturing Skills in order to incorporate more joy into your day.
13. Understanding Food Labels
Understanding Food Labels is one of the cornerstones of choosing healthy foods.
- Identifying where to look for healthy eating information on a label.
- A closer look at Ingredient List, Nutrition Claims, and Nutrition Information.
- Learn the nutritional values for choosing a healthy fat, carbohydrate, and protein content.
14. Osteoporosis Prevention/Structural Health
- Understand the components of the Musculo-skeletal System
- Learn the power foods and lifestyle factors that contribute to structural health and Osteoporosis prevention.
- Explore the main components of a comprehensive fitness program – The Physical Activity Guide.
- Learn the benefits of a balanced Physical Activity Program – reduced risk of injury, stress management, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, increased bone mass, and health.
- Learn some simple exercises to incorporate throughout the day to relieve stress and muscle tension.
15. Sleep
- What is sleep? How much sleep do you need?
- The Stages & Benefits
- Explore sleep deprivation
- causes (stimulants)
- effects of sleep deprivation – increased risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, memory loss, fatigue, increased risk of injury, etc.
- Identify strategies to get better/more sleep
- Food, nutrition
- Activity
- Mental health
16. Allergies
- Look at Allergy – altered reactivity & Allergen – the substance capable of initiating an allergic reaction.
- How do allergens affect the Immune System & the body
- Look at allergenic foods, the nutrients they contain, and alternate sources of those nutrients